An organ’s console is the most important and visible part of the organ. This is where the musician meets the machine, and creates beautiful music. An aging console can be repaired and bring an organ back to life. Frequently, problems associated with the organ can be solved by console upgrades. Wicks can create an entirely new console for your organ, or can take an existing console and rebuild it for many more years of use.
Consoles can be enhanced with new keys, Wicks’ exclusive Opto-Key system, which eliminates the problem of dirty contacts, new stop tabs or drawknobs, a new combination action that either gives the organist more options or replaces a large, older, mechanical combination action, extra combination memory levels, new pistons, new engraved panels, new lights, a transposer, or a MIDI interface, allowing sound modules or sequencing and playback to be utilized with the organ.
Aside from solving minor problems, console upgrades often serve to make an organ a more enjoyable instrument to play, and add to its life.